Best. Mascara. Ever

Monday, September 15, 2014

Some Messy fun

I have to remind myself sometimes that it is just paper.  It's ok to rip it and paint it and use it up.  There are times I just don't want to cut into that pretty paper.  Seriously?  That is why I bought it!  To use it.  I did clean my desk a little… just enough to work on some scrapbook layouts, but not enough to photograph it for everyone to see.  I am always amazed at how many little pieces, scraps and embellishments that are just sitting out on my desk seem to coordinate with whatever layout or card I am working on.  It pays to have lots of stuff.  I'm just saying.

I got out some paints and punches and made a mess.  It was fun to try some different techniques on my scrapbook pages (instead of for cards).  I'm not sure I am really following any design principals… more like adding items to cover up paint splotches where I  might have been overzealous with my paint brush.  But I like how it looks and I'm calling it done.  It probably needs a title.  But nothing is coming to me and I'm ready to move on.  I might add a title later when I move the finished layouts from the stack on a shelf into an actual album.  But I might not.  Just not going to spend anymore time on it.  It's good (enough)!

Hope you can make a mess today!



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