Best. Mascara. Ever

Friday, October 10, 2014

Until Recently

Until recently, I didn't understand what my mother-in-law meant when she said, sometimes a person's best feature was also their worst.  Huh?  So for example, my middle child.  His best feature is that he is game for anything and is always optimistic and upbeat.  So how could this also be his worst feature?  Well, it means that he doesn't plan for contingencies and for things to go wrong... like at 11:55 p.m. when he is trying to turn in his assignment that is due by midnight.  And this is a lesson that has to be re-learned.  A lot.

So looking inward... I guess my creative, willing to dive in and try any messy, artsy technique is fun, but also disorganized.  I often spend more time looking for my Fiskar's trimmer and the tape runner than I do actually crafting.  Haha.  I used to be organized.  But it has been so long now, that I am not sure I can even claim that anymore.  I love being organized.  It is so much easier.  I really need to take some time to organize my craft room...maybe tomorrow.

One of the reasons I love using my Scrap Room kits ( is because they come all together with everything you need to make a great two page layout (and more!).  This layout uses products from the kit and maybe a few extras from my own stash.  It came together really quickly.

Have a great weekend!



Unknown said...

Great pictures Leslie!!! Love the way you layer! I'm going to try it

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