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Monday, January 19, 2015

A bit Rusty

I have to admit that I am a bit rusty when it comes to creativity!  I'm just not feeling "in the groove" or confident in my projects... but I have decided to just keep moving forward.  I created a scrapbook layout about our stop in Chartres (ok, so it is almost three years ago now... what?!?) but it's finished and in an album.  The memories are recorded and I am moving on!  I'm encouraged that my next layout is coming together with much less effort and I am liking it better.

Sometimes I think I give up too quickly.  It is certainly true with diet and work out goals - if I don't have instant success, I stop trying.  So my new philosophy is going to be to set small goals and have early success and just keep moving forward.  Baby steps.  So if my scrapbook layouts aren't perfect, I'm okay with it.  I'm just going to keep on gluing... and inking... and stamping!

Hope you can keep moving forward!



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