Best. Mascara. Ever

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Down for the Count

So I experienced a little food poisoning Thursday night.  I was down for the count.  In bed for 24 hours.  No food.  Teeny, tiny sips of waters.  No television.  Nothing.  Just down.  But, somehow, when it was over, I just popped back up feeling great.  Go figure!  Silver lining:  I will try and use this as motivation to be healthier and more motivated to exercise - I do not want to be sickly if I can help it.

I've missed a couple of my daily LOAD (layout a day) challenges due to the sickness... but this was one I did using a quote from the book The Secret Garden.  I really like how this one came out. It didn't photograph very well, but you get the general idea.

I had all of those butterflies in a dish on my desk from various projects, experiments and general leftovers - it was fun to put them all on the page.  They are all different textures, styles and colors and yet by having the common element, it all seems to work together.

Hope you can put it all together today!



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