Best. Mascara. Ever

Thursday, February 5, 2015

It's all about the story...

Well, I have made it to day 5 on my LOAD (Layout a Day with Lain Ehmann).  So inspiring to get a daily prompt and then "have" to upload the image to the Flickr group by 10pm.  Somehow the idea of a deadline makes me stop procrastinating and forces me to just tape it down!  (Reminds me of those college English papers I procrastinated until the deadline was upon me!)

Here is the layout I did for day 2 - inspired (very loosely) by the children's book "Goodnight Moon."

I jumped to this layout about a good night and the story of how this good night almost killed my mother (so much walking to get to the London Eye with a bad heart - who knew?) but in the end led to her finding out about the problem and taking care of it.

Moral of the LOAD challenge so far... it doesn't take much of a prompt to lead to inspiration- and a layout can be done in small increments throughout the day as time allows.  The story and the pictures are documented.  I'm realizing that getting those stories down is what is important to me - I can see the pictures as they scroll across my screen saver or on my apple tv - but I can't remember the stories when I see the pictures that way.  So I'm really happy that I am putting the stories and the pictures's why I still love scrapbooking.

Hope you can document a story today!



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